What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a nerve entrapment disorder that is caused by compression of the median nerve, a nerve that winds its way through the wrist through a narrow passageway through called the carpal tunnel. This compression typically causes pain and paraesthesia in the thumb, index finger, middle finger and thumb side of the ring finger. Untreated Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can cause pain, numbness or a burning sensation in the affected hand. Atrophy, weakness, trouble holding small objects, turning door knobs, and keys and a range of fine motor skills are affected.

Who Is At Risk? What Are The Causes?

A narrow wrist can predispose a person to developing Carpal Tunnel. When one of the other tendons or tissues in this narrow space becomes inflamed the nerve is compressed leading to symptoms. It also develops secondary to injury (fractures or sprains of the wrist) or repetitive stress injuries (RSI), overuse, or frequent use of vibrating tools (typing, power tools). Our patients often report that their symptoms are often worse at night after a day of use. It has also more commonly seen in patients experiencing obesity, diabetes, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis or pregnancy.

What is Ultrasound Guided Micro Invasive Carpal Tunnel Release?

Ultrasound Guided Micro Invasive Carpal Tunnel Release involves working with the ligament that forms the roof of and presses down on the carpal tunnel. This allows more room for the median nerve and the tendons to pass through the tunnel and improves pain and function. It is performed under ultrasound guidance in a revolutionary new procedure. Unlike traditional Carpal Tunnel treatment, it is now possible to perform the operation through a small needle-sized hole.

“ Unlike traditional Carpal Tunnel treatment, it is now possible to perform the operation through a small needle-sized hole. This procedure differs from the traditional method in that it uses no scalpels, carries less risk of adverse effects and leads to far shorter recovery time.”

Benefits Of Ultrasound Guided Micro Invasive Carpal Tunnel Release

  • Permanent relief from symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

  • NO general anaesthetic required

  • Minimal post-operative pain

  • Fewer analgesics required post-operatively

  • Minimal risk of postoperative infection

  • Minimal scarring (if any)

The Carpal Tunnel Institute is located at the Melbourne Specialty Centre, 277 Lygon Street Brunswick, (directly across the road from Inner North Medical Clinic).